Media Cafe site aims to bring media planners, buyers and sellers together – and creatives too

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Picture 654.pngMedia Cafe is a new independent website designed to help Australia’s professional media planners, buyers and sellers communicate more effectively. The site will also feature a Creative Gallery where creative people can register their work along with appropriate credits and contacts.


“We have only been in the market for a few weeks but we have already had significant uptake from virtually all major media vendors,” says Media Cafe’s MD, Chris Muir. “Over the next few weeks we expect the data population of the site to snow ball and after that we will launch it to the user base. In the meantime we hope the creative community will get behind the site and make their work better known.”

Media Cafe aims to be a ‘one-stop communications shop’ by taking themyriad of information which is available in the media world andgrouping it in easily searchable categories. For example, planners andbuyers can search for media vendor’s special reports and case studiesby media type and business category and they can discover creativeexecutions the same way. They can discover the latest media salesopportunities, participate in new media promotions,  contribute toindustry forums and a have access to a host of ready-referencedata-bases including media kits, reps directories and media dataupdates. There are 20 major categories including Creative Gallery,which will also link to worldwide creative on, with over 12,000 ads in the archive, can be searched by category – ie: Automotive – by medium and bycountry. Ads can also be downloaded so it’s ideal for research or for pitches and presentations).


A key feature of Media Cafe is that all postings are free and allcreative people can self-publish the work they want the market to seein all creative categories. “We’re giving the creative community theopportunity to show the world what they can do. We’ve already hadsignificant interest in the site from clients so it may also be aninteresting way to get new work,” says Muir.

Media Cafe will launch the full version of their site in early February2010 but in the meantime they are encouraging creative people, mediaplanners, buyers and sellers to register and pre-populate the site withtheir latest work or data….for free.   

For further information about Media Cafe contact Chris Muir on (02) 9969 5443, or visit