Help Baldrick save Christmas at Droga5
December 1 2009, 7:43 pm | | 13 Comments
This year Baldrick, the junior at Droga5, Sydney, needs your help to make the Droga5 Christmas card. “Be tough on me,” says Baldrick. “It’s the only way I’ll ever learn.”
Pal…leeeee…sssss… have I just read a press release on a juniors Christmas card … no worse … a Droga 5’s juniors Christmas card???
It’s officially the silly season.
Ho bloody ho!
It’s the end of a bloody long year and trying to understand this is too much hard work.
The agency Xmas card is the toughest brief to hit the creative department all year. You’ve got to look cool, original and highly creative in what is essentially a house ad. Imagine the responsibility of having to do the card for the trendiest agency in town. That’s pressure.
They should get George Costanza to buy the cards, it worked out well for him…
Eeewww. Trendy. Hate that word.
I visit this blog to see what’s going on and who’s doing what. I like to see the latest campaigns from whoever wants to post them on here. What i don’t like is the shameless ‘look-at-me-i’m-so-creative-cool-you-wish-you-were-me’ PR drivel that gets posted on this blog by the same three or four agencies, Droga5 being one of the worst offenders.
I like some, if not a lot of their work, but seriously, the Christmas card brief on the blog – just who is their audience for this one? Us? It’s fine to push the creative envelope, just don’t ram it down our throats; we may just vomit.
they should just use these –
Not a bad idea, it’s just trying to hard for me.
It’s just a digital advent card card isn’t it? Nice idea, but not sure this is the right place. Still he did want us to be hard. In which case, the blog’s perfect!
Thanks for the feedback, why not do it here.
Baa humbug…stop indulging in more electronic scam and do some real work …seems like Drogites spend more time on thinking up self promos than doing real work…maybe he should send it to the Great Schlep team and see if they can crack it and then they can all indulge in wasting each other s time…must be quiet times at Droga 5…
I’ll do it here thanks Baldy – I really don’t want to be the cause of your next PR release boasting you had blah blah blah many unique visitors to your shite site.
I just so can’t wait to see what you clever dicks have planned for New Years!
Give it a rest Boredrick.
The rest of the elves are busting their nuts and all you can think of is self promotion.
Do some paid work.