Yasmin Ahmad dies in hospital following stroke


Yasminahmad.jpgLeoBurnett Malaysia ECD and acclaimed film director Yasmin Ahmad passed away last night at 11.25pm in Damansara SpecialistHospital in Kuala Lumpur. She was just 51 years of age. She died frommassive bleeding in the brain following a stroke on Thursday. The worldis a much poorer place for her loss. Campaign Brief’s thoughts and prayers go out to her husband, Tan Yew Leong, and all her familyand close friends.

Read Harmandar Singh’s (from ADOI Magazine Malaysia) dedication to Yasmin HERE.

Read more on ADOI.

Read more HERE.

Here’s a much loved commercial, part of a series that won Gold at all the big internationalawards shows last year, as well as Gold at AWARD. Written and directed by Yasmin, it is a veryengaging conversation with a seven year old Malaysian boy.

In 2006, Yasmin was inducted into the Campaign Brief Hall of Fame, which was published in The Work 06 Annual.