November 25 2006, 10:24 am | | 17 Comments
Leo Burnett Sydney and some of the best in the Australian TVC production industry via @radical.media has created a major regional campaign for Tiger Beer that invites consumers to ‘Unravel the Secret’. Go to http://unravelthesecret.com to see what it’s all about…
Creative Directors: Linda Locke, Mark Collis
Writer: Will Edwards
Art Director: Kieran Antill
Photographer: John Seale
Production Company: @radical.media
Director: Derin Seale
Post Production: Fuel
Sound & Music: Nylon Studios
URL: http://unravelthesecret.com
Very well shot.
The problem I have with this is that I have absolutely no desire to ‘unravel the secret’ of any beer whatsoever.I can imagine the marketing department of Tiger absolutely freaking out over this (“Just like Da Vinci Code – and people LOVED that movie!”) but it doesn’t change the fact that it has about as much relevance to the average beer drinker as an ad that attempted to explain Newtonian physics.
Sadly, I have to agree with 9:28.
Kind of a big wank when you get to the end of each one and it’s about the metal the beer has won.Well shot is about all I can say. Tiger stuff out of NZ is much better.
Not a secret worth unravelling for me I’m afraid.Looks amazing but not intriguing at all.So much work, so little reward…
Wow, really slick production.
What’s with this putfile site Lynchy? None of it plays on my machine.
LOOKS GOOD.It only won bronze! That’s probably all it’ll win.
THE YANKS kick this trilogy to the curb. Then it reincarnates and they kick it to the curb again. Then it reincarnates and they kick it to the curb again.Then it reincarnates and…Hey Lynchie this new PUTFILE what the fuck is fucked. Go back to u tube.
My God! What a complete waste of money. It wreaks of a really sad rip off the BMW films, but without an idea.
Anyone looking to hire a young interactive writer with experience? Good long copy.Send job offers, death threats and abuse to interactivewriter@hotmail.comNow go on, get back to slagging each other off…or maybe spark a debate over whether I’m showing initiative or just being a self-promoting little tosser.
Made the mistake of thinking people actually care about ads. Unless there’s a large cash prize, this is neither engaging nor entertaining. People will just ignore it, the Paris one dragged for me on first viewing, if it came on again in an ad break I’d have to make a cup of tea.
for all the dick heads that dont have real computers, download Quicktime off the Apple site for PC’s as well.Open your mind and see more of the future.Blurry old U TUBE! movies …give me a break.
It was a great ad for Darren Seale who has been trying to get into movies and has moved to LA. Come on mate, choose the side of the fence you want to play in.I’m so glad he hired his dad to shoot it…..looks bloody brilliant. Top job John.
9.28am – I think you pretty much hit it on the head.
This is going to be an increasing problem I reckon. When Ad makers want to make content they are going to have the same problems that film and tv makers have always had – trying to get people interested in a narrative or an idea (to actually watch the damn thing), except the ad makers are going to be hamstrug by client requirements – ie what is the “secret” (I dunno, something to do with beer? – honestly who gives a shit? ). All your left with is ridiculous, expensive looking pap. At least the BMW films were subtle enough to just have the product as just a prop, classy enough to cast Clive Owen, ad cool enough to get real film makers.