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AWARD Co-Chairman Philip Putnam welcomed a huge turn out for the celebration of the News Limited AWARD School Melbourne Graduates.

Stars of the poster campaign for the event, Paul Catmur and Darren Spiller, mingled amongst over 120 creatives and recruitment agents handing out their cards to the students.

The top five winners were announced, each picking up an AWARD and MADC Membership and the top student, James Orr, collecting his very own gold pencil… the taste of things to come perhaps!

5th Richard Harley

4th Daniela Paolini

3rd Candy Hertz

2nd Chris Andrews

Top Student – James Orr

Orr will now go forward to National Judging against the top student from each state and is in the running to win a trip to the Caxton Awards in Byron Bay.

Richard Muntz and Annie Price – AWARD School Leaders 2007 did an outstanding job this year, the work on the wall testament to their incredible efforts.

Special Thanks to tutors:

Brendan Greaney and David Ponce de Leon (Leo Burnett)

Frank Morabito, Michael Mulchay, Ros Sinclair and Doug Byrnes (Spinach)

Vince McSweeney (McCann)

Paul Hastings and Pete Kirwan (Whybin TBWA)

Andy Segal and Campbell Robinson (Badjar Ogilvy)

Jim Ingram and Ben Couzens (GPY&R)

Special Thanks to lecturers:

Lauren Treiser, Sally Cunningham, Holly Whittaker (Grey)

Ron Mather (The Cavalry)

Scott Bundy (Bundy Agency)

Alex Fenton (Fenton Stephens)

Nigel Dawson (Grey)

Peter Kirwan (Whybin TBWA)

Mat Garbutt (AJF)

Chris Taylor (Shabbadu)

Tony Rogers (Renegade)

Nick Cummins (Sputnik)

Leon Wilson (Publicis Mojo)

Ben Keenan (Grey)

Esther Clerehan

To register your interest in the 2008 programme visit