McDonald’s New Zealand highlights how Kiwis Macca’s in latest campaign via DDB Aotearoa
Macca’s NZ is celebrating its unique place within communities around Aotearoa, by shining a spotlight on the special connection that Kiwis have with their local restaurants in a new campaign created by DDB Aotearoa.
While Macca’s has celebrated being local for a while, DDB Aotearoa has helped them ramp this up by creating a campaign around what matters most: The people. Because Macca’s restaurants are owned by Kiwis, for Kiwis – in this campaign, Macca’s and DDB are bringing the real stories of Macca’s customers to life.
Launching with four tribes – a group of avid Wellingtonian surfers, five Parakai lifeguards, a crew of diehard Phoenix fans and a trio of flatty besties – the documentary-style campaign shows groups of Kiwis who live and love life together, each with their own unique Macca’s moments.
DDB Aotearoa’s Chief Creative Officer Gary Steele said that the team wanted to emphasize the idea of Macca’s crews, and how each of these different crews integrate Macca’s moments into their shared experiences: “We wanted to document New Zealand from coast to coast and share with the country the New Zealand we see in our local communities.
“So far, six unique stories have been shot, with the plan to roll out more. These peoples’ stories are going to be celebrated in their local community – The Lyall Bay Surfers may get a billboard in Lyall Bay, for instance.”
Director of Marketing at McDonald’s New Zealand, Luke Rive says the campaign showcases everyday Kiwis and the feel-good connection they already share being amplified by their own unique Macca’s rituals: ‘That’s how we Macca’s’ highlights the special bonds that connect Kiwis – from surfing, to flatting, to work families. It’s a snapshot of the role Macca’s plays in the lives of everyday New Zealanders and we hope it prompts others to ask,’ how do we Macca’s?
“Because when you combine nuggies with your favourite humans, feel-good things happen.”
Other Macca’s-lovin’ groups set to feature in the campaign include a tribe of women sparkies and the Ruckus Armored Combat Guild.

Client: McDonald’s New Zealand
Luke Rive, Director of Marketing
Leigh Benvie, Head of Brand & Media
Agency: DDB Group Aotearoa
Production Company: Gather Productions
Executive Producer: Sarah Kinniburgh
Director: Justin Hawkes
DOP: Bevan Crothers/Joe Rixon
Grade: Mike Carpinter
Post production: Department of Post / DDB Edit Suite
Editor: Justin Hawkes/DDB Edit Suite
Soundtrack: Sliced Tomatoes by The Just BrothersLicensing by Franklin Road
Stills Photographer: Reagen Butler
Media Agency: OMD
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Client: McDonald’s New Zealand
Luke Rive, Director of Marketing
Leigh Benvie, Head of Brand & Media
Agency: DDB Group Aotearoa
Production Company: Gather Productions
Executive Producer: Sarah Kinniburgh
Director: Justin Hawkes
DOP: Bevan Crothers/Joe Rixon
Grade: Mikee Carpinter
Post production: Department of Post / DDB Edit Suite
Editor: Justin Hawkes/DDB Edit Suite
Soundtrack: Sliced Tomatoes by The Just Brothers
Licensing by Franklin Road
Stills Photographer: Reagen Butler
Media Agency: OMD
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