Chorus highlights hidden trade-offs of wireless broadband in new work via Saatchi & Saatchi NZ
Chorus has launched a new campaign via Saatchi & Saatchi New Zealand, that highlights the pitfalls of wireless broadband compared to fibre.
The campaign showcases a family grappling with the chaos caused by sharing their cell tower with neighbours, influencers, park-goers and joggers, illustratrating the frustration of unpredictable speeds and interruptions when heavy traffic overwhelms the wireless network.
Concluding with the message “Avoid this. Get Fibre,” the campaign emphasises fibre’s superior reliability, delivering consistent speeds via a direct, hardwired connection to homes.
The campaign is anchored by a TV commercial directed by Arundati Thandur and produced by FINCH.
The creative is supported by social media cutdowns, outdoor advertising, and radio.