Copy School Sydney Masterclass Tutor line-up finalised – Spaces filling up fast, book now

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Copy School Sydney Masterclass Tutor line-up finalised – Spaces filling up fast, book now

Copy School Sydney has finalised its masterclasses for 2024 — w/c 11 November at the State Library of NSW. Joining the talented line-up is copywriter Ewan Harvey and art director Aicha Wijland from this year’s Campaign Brief Agency of the Year The Monkeys.


Tutors in order of appearance:
Andy Flemming, Creative Lead — 72andSunny
Jonathan Kneebone, Founder and Creative Partner — The Glue Society
Dee Madigan, Owner and Executive Creative Director — Campaign Edge
Georgie Waters, Senior Copywriter — M&C Saatchi Group AUNZ
Celia Mortlock (via Zoom from New York), Associate Creative Director — Johannes Leonardo
Jenny Mak and Heather Sheen, Creative Partner and Brand Consultant/ Strategist — DDB Group Australia & Sheen Strategy
Ewan Harvey and Aicha Wijland, Copywriter and Art Director — The Monkeys
Ralph van Dijk, Creative Director and Founder — Eardrum
Esther Clerehan, Creative Talent Specialist — CLEREHAN

Masterclasses in order of tutors:
• What Makes a Great Copywriter? Dialogue
• Resilience
• The Basics
• What It’s Like Working Overseas as an Australian Empathy, Strategy, Persuasion
• Getting More from Your Audio
• Ideas
• Finding Your Strengths and Working to Them

First come, first served, filling up fast:

Nota bene: Copy School keeps its fee to $595 because it’s not a hot for profit it’s a Not For Profit. All tutors, and co-chairs Chris Taylor and John Bevins, are pro bono.

Copy School Sydney Masterclass Tutor line-up finalised – Spaces filling up fast, book now