New creative directory Visie launches

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New creative directory Visie launches

A new purpose-built directory to find and collaborate with creatives working in the world of photographic production, video production and content creation, is now available with the arrival of Visie.

Launched by creative director Justin Woo (pictured), Visie is a curated space that gives creative decision makers immediate access to those working in the commercial creative industries. Connecting marketers and brands to creative agency reps and freelance artists themselves, Visie also includes a vetted selection of small to medium businesses that support the production community.

With the aim to provide a blend of the visual inspiration that Instagram brings and the business connection that LinkedIn offers, Visie intends to help streamline connection and communication.

Visie currently allows users to select creative content creators from locations including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. Auckland and Bali are also in the platform’s sights, with the aim to create an international community connecting overseas clients to local production.

Founder Justin Woo says: “For some time now, I’ve recognised that there isn’t a single platform where you can search vetted portfolios by specialism or location and the more I explore the space, the more opportunity I see to develop a creative community.

“It is early days for Visie however my aim is to add transparency to the entire creative eco-system as I believe gatekeeping information is the way of the past. We have some exciting features in the pipeline to help artists gain more work and to help clients find the right artist for their brief.”

To apply to sign up and create your free Visie profile visit: