Former Special Group CD Luke Thompson joins The Producers as creative director

Former Special Group CD Luke Thompson joins The Producers as creative director

The Producers is continuing to make its mark as the production company with a difference through the appointment of its own creative director Luke Thompson.


With over 25 years of local and global experience Thompson’s award-winning career spans stints at renowned ad agencies in New York and Sydney and more recently, Clemenger BBDO and Special Group in Melbourne.

That experience has given him a keen understanding of agency expectations, an invaluable aid in helping The Producers’ roster of directors transform a brief into a great ad.

Says director Cameron March: “Being able to tap into Luke’s experience has been a game changer. Luke not only brings his expertise from his agency days, but a fresh perspective on how we as director’s can approach our treatments. Ultimately creating an environment that fosters idea generation with the client and agency front of mind.”

Thompson has helped negotiate that all important balance between the director’s creative vision and the agency’s marketing goals.

Says Noelle Jones, executive producer and co-founder of The Producers: “We think of him as our “creative stunt double” who can step in when we need a solution that translates client expectations into a creative expression. He’s been an amazing resource for our directors. Who wouldn’t want to tap into his experience? and I can see the younger directors’ confidence grow with having Luke on their side. He’s now become a vital part of pre-script briefings, core concept investigation, and is always ready to lend a hand when needed with story beats, treatment crafting and visualisation.

“When Luke first took on the role, he was working “undercover”. We weren’t sure that agencies would accept a creative director working from the production side. But they have quickly warmed to the idea.”

Thompson now acts as both a sounding board and quality controller throughout the pitch process and production. But one of his more surprising and important roles has been his creative leadership, keeping in touch with the latest cultural trends, industry advances, and emerging technologies to guide directors, designers, and DAs on the best, most innovative approach to every brief that comes through the door.

Says Thompson: “I love working with all types of creative minds whether it be agency or production side and I’ve always embraced the excitement of finding new challenges. So this shift from agency to production has been a chance to use my experience in a more hands-on role that’s been truly eye opening. There’s just so much potential for the role of creative director on the production side.”