Menulog appoints Thinkerbell as new creative agency following a competitive pitch process

Australian food delivery platform Menulog has appointed Thinkerbell as its creative partner following a comprehensive agency review process.
The partnership will see Thinkerbell deliver a range of services including strategy, creative, earned and owned content.
Says Adam Ferrier, chief thinker at Thinkerbell: “We’ve loved helping Menulog deliver the unexpected and command attention in 2022. It’s one of the strongest brands in Australia, with a brilliant platform and incredibly strong brand assets. We look forward to further unleashing the Menulog brand in Australia.”
Says Simon Cheng, marketing director at Menulog Australia: “As an Australian-founded business, we’re looking forward to working with Thinkerbell to really drive value for our local restaurant/business partners and customers, as well as developing ideas that exemplify the Menulog difference. Coupled with our focus on consistently expanding our range and quality of service, including grocery, convenience and other exciting new verticals this year, Menulog is in a strong position to continue to deliver growth in 2023.”
Thinkerbell’s appointment comes after a successful 2022 with Menulog, which saw the agency develop a series of successful ideas for Menulog, alongside activity with McCann London’s global campaigns.
Me thinks congratulations are in order for all the Thinkerbells!
It’s Special or Thinkerbell and then everyone else.
All I’ve seen is Katy Perry a million times.
Ahh Thinkerbell, I can see it now..
Menulog becomes Menudog for National Pet’s Day
Menulog turns into MenuGrog to launch new alcohol offering
Menulog turns into Manulog to announce new curated Manu Fiedel menu
Does anyone really think that putting 3+ agencies through a pitch is a good use of anyone’s time? FFS, Thinkerbell are clearly a good agency who is capable of doing a good job on this brand.
It would be nice to read a headline “Client quietly starts doing business with agency because they are excellent at what they do.”
Lock it in Pete
On international log day menulog delivers wood to servos at a 10% markup to save the logging industry. Menulog buys logging companies. Menulog becomes aggregate logging company. Menulog denounces climate change.
Awesome news – Congrats Thinkerbell!
A log, with a menu in it, that you can find at all partnering campsites, and have your Menulog order delivered there by drone.
I hope they don’t want to do anything other than PR stunts that only make CB Blog headlines
Pitch theatre
– Adam Ferrier dressed up as Menulog driver and sang ‘Did somebody say Thinkerbell?”
Other Thinkerbell winning ideas
– On International Women’s Day, Menulog become WOMENulog and offers free delivery to women
– Menulog creates Menuhog – a special all-pig restaurant
– Menulog becomes Svenulog to celebrate a new Swedish restaurant
Menulog becomes MenuNog for Christmas, delivering eggnog to 50 people in the inner-suburbs of Melbourne.
are amazing. Most I’ve laughed in a while.
Menulog becomes Menuloggins as 75 year old Kenny Logins rights near jingle for business.
Menulog partners with Vegemite to create a whole-Vegemite menu only delivered on Menulog
Menulog becomes Menustroganoff getting every major restaurant to add a stroganoff to their menu in winter
Menulog offers Menutogs with branded swimmers that have different favourite menu items written on them.
Menulog partners with Metamucil for Menubog. A limited run of co-branded Metamucil tins delivered to your door only through the app.
Menulog hijacks Blackmore’s Sydney Running Festival with Men U Jog, delivering protein snacks and Powerades to men as they’re running the course.
Can’t wait for the upcoming PR release for International Dog Day’s special event – The World’s First Takeaway Delivery By Dog aka Menudog.
Sources say there’s a 50:50 chance it involves Vegemite in some way too.
Somewhere at Thinkerbell a creative is trying to come up with a PR idea using this comment section
MenuSnog – New dating app where you get a free meal with every match
Menufrog – Escargot for Bastille Day.
Menucog – Delivery of parts.
Menusnog – Escort service.
Menubog – Toilet paper.
Menuflog – Deliver someone a beating.
Menutog – Delivers swimmers.
Menuclog – happy Netherlands day.
Menujog – Delivery of runners.
These comments are unreal. @peterp piper your talents are wasted on this blog. Please come and join us
We’ll turn Menulog’s famous tagline into a useful tool. Introducing the ‘Did somebody say MenuLog?’ voice assistant – Menulog partners with Alexa/Google Home, literally bringing the line to life. Your voice assistant listens out for ‘Menulog’. Once detected, it replied, ‘Did somebody say… Menulog?’ then automatically placing your favourite order.
Watch this comment section turn into a new campaign brief article within the next week.
‘Me-‘n-you log’. A friendship tracking app for insecure people with obsessive compulsive disorder who like to catalogue and rate their hangouts.
Ten bucks says Adam Ferrier has already briefed his creative team on creating a book of all the ideas in here complete with renders
Come forth and reveal one’s self?!
Menuslog – Menulog’s marketing team goes on vacation, leaving agency with 24hr turnaround on a dying concept, but sends dinner via menulog (max value of $15 incl delivery) to creatives as thanks for the hard slog.
Menulog start to bring famous US restaurants here and set up ghost kitchens where the only way you can get the food is through Menulog. Talk about earned potential.
Menulog create menufog- free Menulog for days when it’s foggy
Menulog offer free delivery if your name is Katy.
Menulog partners with Thinkerbell client Binge to create Binge-worthy menus.
Menulog changes the colour of their logo to green and commit to a carbon offset program
Menulog creates a branded content reality program to find the next big delivery concept rewarding one restaurant with a grant and setting up infrastructure for the restaurant – calling it Made by Menulog
Menulog creates a branded partnership with a cutlery company to create the perfect type of cutlery for different meal types – think GWP and delivery of one of those electric forks great for twirling spaghetti
Venue log – a tantalizing pop up restaurant village activation
Zen ulog – world mindfulness day partnership, promoting foods proven to realign your chakras
Ben ulog – Introducing our chat gpt chat bot ben, helping you decide what to eat tonight
Sven ulog – Happy Norwegian national day! All cabbage and mutton ordered is on the house
An exclusive offer for Campaign Brief readers:
Menulog partner with Hoyts/Event cinemas and Campaign Brief, offering popcorn delivery for people following this thread.
The Menu-log Cabin: We lock a lucky punter inside a log cabin out in the woods with only BINGE to watch and Menulog/Vegemite collab food to survive on. Think OldBoy meets Ash Barty!
We promise to get back to everyone claiming to be Peter Piper
@adamferrier I think it’s about time you hired @peter piper to run your Menublog to “deliver your daily content”
I’m not for hire. You couldn’t afford me @adamferrier
@peter piper are you Dave Droga?
I googled Menulog and miraculously landed here.. Peter piper wins my vote for delivery service. Peter Piper App!! Any pho on your menu?
David Droga is an elite veteran with a panache for this kind of work.
But little old me is not little and not old.
A middle-aged maven who just happens to be partial to saying Menulog, repeatedly.
Adam, I think you’re going to do a great job on the account. I’d love to see you sport an orange t-shirt next time I see you in the Qantas lounge.