The Portfolio Project launches new Spotify campaign to promote new free 4-week course

The Portfolio Project, which re-launched earlier this year, has released a free live 4 week/4 hour per week free course online via Zoom or in-person to young people accessing disadvantaged Youth Services & Disability Services.
The Portfolio Project has also launched a Spotify campaign to promote the new course.
Says Richard Kahotea, co-founder, The Portfolio Project: “The Portfolio Project have launched a new free 4 week online or in- person course to young people accessing youth or disability services “We wanted to be able to reach more young people across Australia, not just in Sydney & Melbourne.”
The Portfolio Project was awarded the NSW Youth Award when the program first started in Sydney, training young people with a disability in advertising and design skills on live briefs.
The course is in live format with pre-recorded videos outlining the important parts of the course as support material when participants have finished the course.
Spearheaded by Kahotea and Duncan Mah, both will be available to course participants to answer questions during and after the course.
Listen to the launch campaign below:
Bookings can be made on the new website:
The Portfolio Project sets out to help young job seekers with a disability get experience and work in the creative and advertising industries.