Repco’s Centenary is filled with hidden history in newly launched campaign via Thinkerbell
To celebrate 100 laps around the sun, Repco has filled its ‘Driven by Passion for 100 Years’ campaign to the brim with hidden car history, via Thinkerbell.
Whether it’s finding Brian’s ‘94 Supra, the fabled Peter Brock Energy Polarizer, the rock that ended DJ’s Bathurst, or Brabham’s legendary engine – every asset is a game of ‘I-SPY’ for any and every car lover.
This celebration of iconic bits of car history, racing moments, and pop culture has been carefully crafted to remind Australia and New Zealand of Repco’s deep connection to auto culture. From winning F1 championships to helping you fix your first car – Repco’s been riding shotgun through it all.
The hidden references are loaded throughout all campaign assets across TV, print, radio, social and instore – which culminate in an interactive game – challenging enthusiasts to test their skills with an online experience.
Says Jim Ingram, national chief creative tinker at Thinkerbell: “Whether you’re buying an air freshener for your new car, or a replacement four-barrel carby for your old one, anyone who shops at Repco shares a passion for all things auto. And it’s been fun creating a centenary campaign that’s riddled with hidden moments of passion, some obvious and some that will challenge even the most rusted on car nut.”
Says Kym Sutherland, general manager, marketing, Repco: “Repco’s been there for all car enthusiasts for a hundred years now. Whether it’s yours, or someone else’s that you’re working on, we understand that passion – it’s how we got started in the first place.”
Client: Repco
Scott Whiteley – Executive General Manager Marketing and CX, Automotive
Kym Sutherland – General Manager, Marketing
Priscilla Sugrue – Brand Manager
Creative Agency: Thinkerbell
Matias Reyes – Creative Tinker
Julia Keller – Thinker
Cale Berry – Creative Tinker
Gideon Nedas – Lead Thinker
Jess Evernden – Lead Production Tinker
Marcus Byrne – Lead Design Tinker & Photographic Retoucher
Jack Dinsmoor – Design Tinker
Jaime Morgan – General Manager – South
Dom Counahan – Exec Brand Thinker
Jim Ingram – National Chief Creative Tinker
Sam Whatley – Lead Creative Tinker
Josh Parmenter – Lead Creative Tinker
Adam Ferrier – Chief Thinker
Media Agency: Initiative
Aaron Farrelly – Group Director
Bec Olsson – Partnerships Manager
Production Co: The Producers
Mitch Kennedy – Director
Victoria Conners – Exec Producer
Original Composition: Ack Kinmonth
Sound: BangBang
Digital Agency: Kojo

That looks SO good.
Nice work.
Nicely crafted ad and cx
Lots of hidden gems in this for the car fanciers among us. Cool work!
OK, this is actually really nice. excellent execution, attention to detail and craft in the film, gamification in print and the UX of the online game is top notch. This is a fully thought through approach. Well played Repco.
Craft on point 👌 nicely done
They have passion for 1oo years?
I would have thought they’d have passion for cars and car accessories. Go figure.
By their passion for cars. Not that confusing really. Very generic though.
This is what happens when you make what the client wants, rather than what they actually need.
Beautifully shot.
DOP credit? Thats a good looking spot.
Best thing to come out in a while.
Beneath the moody colour grade is a complete lack of idea
The lack of an idea – that’s debatable. Not having worked on this, the outtake for me is, Repco know cars a shit-tonne better than even the most ‘enthusiastic’ (boring) car nut you know. By knowing more than enthusiasts, and having a crucial role to play in that space for longer, that elevates the brand in my mind. I want to shop where the car-nuts go, not buy a bulk roll of dishcloths from Supercheap auto and much much more. But sure, if you can only see the moody colour grades – good on ya too.
Photos are old. Wtf?
Love clocking the million dollar Brabham among a few other things… but this really felt like it was written by people who don’t really know their cars. Get someone who knows them like Warren Brown to do this next time.
That’s funny – thank you for the chuckle.
I genuinely Fucken love this. I have watched the video maybe ten times and can spot more than fifty references. To whoever said it wasn’t enough for car knowledge makes me think they don’t know cars themselves!! Anyone spot the bmw logo in the end frame!!??
Haha just noticed the Piston Cup. Classic. Small details are on point
…how did you miss the massive glaring comp fail in the first second?
Just noticed how many Tinkers are astroturfing the comments.
Commenting on my ads.
Clearly no one in the real world or even advertising world thinks this is good. But the thinkers like it
Would love to know who graded it?
Their titles make me uneasy
With a small change to the branding it could easily be an ad for Shannons.
Feels very early 2000’s advertising. The old walk and talk through stuff. It’s not bad but it’s also easy to do and is unfortunately forgettable. There’s more to craft than just pretty cinematography.
Except that iSpy online experience. What the 2012 website/experience is that? Terrible.
That bit is just for the award entry.