The Portfolio Project re-opens after seven years

The Portfolio Project sets out to help young job seekers with a disability get experience and work in the creative and advertising industries, with two Summit Creative Advertising Awards under the belt of the first group of participants, and humbly awarded the NSW Youth Work Award for the program, co-founder Richard Kahotea will be heading up the program again after seven years.
Having worked in the youth sector in-between working as an advertising creative since the beginning of The Portfolio Project, “it has been a real eye opener and now is the right time to do it again,” says Kahotea (pictured above).
This is a call out to all agency partners to get involved again and really make a difference.
Adds Kahotea: “We are going to help disadvantaged and marginalised youth, my experience as a Youth Manager is they have the talent, they just need the opportunity.”
Says Duncan Mah, who will be helping out too from Melbourne via Zoom: “I’ve gained a lot more experience and skills since the last time & would love to share my developments with the new crew.”
As part of the re-launch The Portfolio Project has launched a new website you can check out to gain an understanding of what occured and what’s the future for The Portfolio Project:

Ari Armstrong – UX Designer
1 Comment
Love ya Rich. Great initiative.