Creative consultancy Better Known launches to build better brands for the new world of work

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Creative consultancy Better Known launches to build better brands for the new world of work

Georgina Hannekum and Bianca Hennessy have joined forces to launch Better Known, a creative consultancy that builds better brands at the intersection of people and technology. Founded in 2021 during the global pandemic, the consultancy is driven by a shared vision for stronger branding, innovative design and more authentic customer engagement in the new world of work.


Says Hennessy of the new venture: “We help businesses have real relationships with their customers. We help brands articulate themselves better and connect with their audience in more meaningful ways.”

Says Hannekum: “We’re here to have a positive impact on the digital landscape – to show businesses how thoughtful, insight-driven branding and design drive real results. This new world of flexible working means we can build bespoke creative teams for our clients to service their unique needs – whether that means branding and design, st­­­rategy, digital marketing or all of the above.”

Says Hennessy: ‘The ability to work from anywhere with people from all over the world not only provides great creative diversity, it circumvents traditional, big agency bottlenecks and overheads – and that’s fantastic for clients.

“In today’s world, branding is so much more than a logo or a website – it’s a collective experience, shared by a business and its customers, both on and offline. Our role is to shape and define that brand experience, then amplify it through clear and compelling communications that resonate with our clients’ customers and foster connection at every touchpoint.”

Says Hannekum: “From education to e-commerce, from fintech to fashion, our clients vary in scale and have diverse needs – but they’re all forward-thinking, and they all want to be better.”

Says Dannielle Pearson, executive director of strategy and growth at Accel Digital: “We were really impressed with how Better Known understood our unique requirements, our culture and how our brand needed to evolve to support our business ambitions. They are strategic and creative thinkers, keenly focused on driving real results for us. Better Known has become an extension of our team, and an integral part of our brand and marketing decisions.”

Collaborating with both Australian and international brands, Better Known partners with businesses that share its values and constantly strive for innovation, creativity, and better customer experiences.

Adds Hennessy: “Whether it’s a start-up or an established business, we believe every brand can be more creative, more innovative and more engaged with their customers.”