Cummins&Partners Sydney Bolsters Integrated Offering after client wins with seven new hires

Cummins&Partners Sydney Bolsters Integrated Offering after client wins with seven new hires

Following a range of new business wins, Cummins&Partners Sydney is investing in growing its team across a range of disciplines. Recent client appointments include Singapore Airlines-backed experiences platform Pelago, Indeed, F45 Group’s newest brands FS8 and Hamptons Life, and South African Tourism among others.


Rachel McEwen and Matty Graham both join as Group Business Directors. McEwen returns from London where she worked on PepsiCo and ASDA at AMV BBDO, and Graham has most recently been a part of the team at Vice, predominantly on CUB.

Meredith Ansoul joins in the newly created Head of Media role. She leaves Vodafone where she was Head of Acquisition, Media and Content. She’s a senior industry figure having run Nestle, Colgate, Allianz, Chanel, Novartis, Singapore Airlines, Singapore Tourism and Optus.

Says Ansoul: “Opportunities like this don’t come around very often. I’m a big believer in an integrated offer and even more so now I’ve spent time on the client side. I’m excited to jump in and strengthen the Cummins&Partners offering.”

Other hires in Account Management include Senior Account Director Nicky Webster (ex BWM), Senior Account Manager Robbie Tucker (ex M&C Saatchi) and Account Executive Abby Johnson.

The creative department has also been bolstered, with Georgie Parchert, previously a strategist at UM, joining as a Copywriter to partner with Alice Tran, who has in turn been promoted to Art Director.

Says Kirsty Muddle, Managing Director, Cummins&Partners: “It’s gratifying to see independent agencies thriving in the Australian market and even after ten years we still think and feel like a start up. It’s not just in our structure but in the way in which we see marketing and advertising. This is a result of our eyes being on all areas of Marketing and Advertising. That angle of modern marketing is attracting some of the best talent. I’m excited by the depth, experience, and diversity in our talent. Not only do these people support the growth we’ve had with new wins but also shape our future.”

Top L -R :Meredith Ansoul & Matty Graham, Bottom L-R: Alice Tran & Rachel McEwen.