Aptamil Toddler helps new Mums return to work ready with new initiative via CHE Proximity


Today, Aptamil Toddler and CHE Proximity have launched a new initiative called Return Ready to help the 370 new mums that return to work every day in Australia*.


As Australia enters its post-recession recovery, creating an environment where women can confidently return to work will be key to the nation’s growth.

Aptamil Toddler, a leading toddler formulation that supports immunity, has launched the initiative because it’s a time in life when developing strong immune systems is necessary due to interactions with other children at day care, or other carers like grandparents and friends.

Says Amjad Salahuddin, head of marketing, Aptamil Toddler: “Returning to work after maternity leave is one of the most difficult times in a new mother’s life. Battling feelings of excitement with anxiety, it’s a day of firsts, and a morning of lasts. Last change, last cuddle before going separate ways.”

The campaign launches with a film directed by Justin MacMillan that follows a mum on her journey to pick her child up after her first day back at work. The film asks mums to visit an online hub where they can receive a tailored program to help them return ready. Advice, tips and training on how to prepare have been written in consultation with child expert Dr Justin Coulson.

Upon entering their back to work date, mothers are enrolled into the step-by-step return ready program. This offers the tools and guidance to building the physical and emotional resilience in both her and her child the two months leading into going back to work.

Says Mariana Rice, client partner, CHE Proximity: “61% of mums work, leaving children to the care of others: day care, home-care, grandparents, nannies. While Aptamil Toddler can’t make the first day back at work go faster, it can give mums confidence that they’ll be reunited with more resilient kids.”

Says Annabelle Pocock, GAD at CHE Proximity: “We’re hoping to provide mums with a bit of confidence on a day when it’s in short supply. And at a time when many Australians are returning to work after working from home, ‘returning’ means more now than ever.”

The integrated campaign ‘Return Ready’ launches with a hero 45” film and rolls out across OOH, social, YouTube, BVOD and an integrated Mamamia sponsorship.

Consumer Products & Services Director ANZ – Edith Bailey
Head of Marketing, Aptamil ANZ – Amjad Salahuddin
Senior Brand Manager, Aptamil ANZ – Rob Hill
Brand Manager, Aptamil ANZ – Diana Falasca
Senior Digital Manager, Aptamil ANZ – Grant Price

Agency: CHE Proximity
CCO – Ant White
Creative Director – Gavin Chimes
Senior Art Director – Cass Jam
Senior Copywriter – Fee Millist
Senior Copywriter – Geoff Fischer
Copywriter – Charlotte Berry
Client Partner – Mariana Rice
Group Account Director – Annabelle Pocock
Account Director – Taryn Vernoy
Senior Account Manager – Charlotte Bosomworth
Chief Strategy Officer – David Halter
Brand Planning Director – Lynn Clift
CX Planner – Cat Shaw-Halford
Director, Experience Consulting – Catherine Hooson

CHEP Studio
Senior Digital Designer – Sebastian Perez de Arce
Senior Designer – Vanessa Saporito
Designer – Michael MacGregor

CHEP Film Production
Director of Strategic Production – Holly Alexander
Senior Producer – Karine Pawel
Production Assistant – Caitlin Perz

CHEP Media
Chief Media Officer – Mike Deane
Head of Strategy, Media – Tim Russell
Strategy and Experience Director – Jess Torstensson
Integrated Planner – Anna Longson
Investment Director – Vera Manalac
Investment Trader – Karlie Hoang
Trading Assistant – Bailey Sintras
Addressable Manager – Yenfei Tan
Addressable Executive – Sheila Pun
Search Director – Luis Campos
Search Executive – Jack Singleton

CHEP Data & Analytics
Chief Data Officer – James Greany

*Source: ABS 2017 Pregnancy and Employment Transitions survey and Macrotrends.net Australian Fertility Rate 2019.