Tourism Australia launches ‘With Love From Aus’ global campaign via M&C Saatchi, Sydney
Tourism Australia has released a new film called ‘With Love From Aus’ via M&C Saatchi, Sydney.
Tourism Australia managing director Phillipa Harrison said that through these times of global uncertainty, everyone could all do with a bit of positivity and something to look forward to: “With Love From Aus” is a heartfelt message to all Australians and the rest of the world that our beautiful country and its people will be ready to welcome visitors with open arms when the time is right.
“While there are many restrictions on travel and tourism right now, people’s appetite for travel hasn’t disappeared. We want everyone to keep dreaming about the unique experiences and beautiful places across Australia that will be waiting for them on the other side of this. More time at home gives us more time to think about the things that really matter – so we want to give people something to look forward to by sharing places they’ll be able to explore in the future.”
Says Cam Blackley, CCO, M&C Saatchi: “I find the idea that nature is getting a bit of rest and relaxation while we’re isolated puts a smile on my face. Finding reasons to be positive in difficult circumstances is baked into Aussie DNA and we’re proud to share that outlook with the world right now.”
jesus christ this is a load of big hot self-serving wank
this was painful to watch
I disagree. And put your guns down.
This is exactly what we need our brands to be doing at the moment. And hopefully it inspires other brands to do the same. And maybe some of us will be able to keep our jobs.
Good an TA and M&C. And no, I don’t work for either.
Strategically I think this is incredibly flawed. You’re targeting foreigners. No one in the current climate is thinking about their next overseas holiday. They are thinking about survival. This won’t register on their radar. International travel as we know it may be 12 months away or further. You would have been better saving your $$ and waiting until international travel is an option.
The smartest thing to do would be wait until Australians are able to travel again and make every message about seeing the country, supporting the country. Just like the South Coast communities were starting to do before the virus hit. This would help fast track the tourism sector. And maybe pull back on the Koala and Kangaroo footage.
Turn that off now, it’s hollow rubbish. Please stop this, you are making a very public error. Now is absolutely not the time to serve up empty advertising that doesn’t even resemble the mood of Australians right now.
This is how to ruin a brand in 60 seconds. No one wants this right now!
Seriously mate, if taking a pop at this work is really what you felt like doing, right now, you have bigger issues than the ‘pain’ you went through watching it. One thing I know for sure is, if your work or career was that awesome you would have never typed a single thing. Read the room.
All this needs is Lara Bingle skipping on a beach asking where the bloody hell are ya’s.
1) Aren’t ads supposed to be self serving? Plus, the beneficiaries here are A WHOLE COUNTRY (yours, I’m assuming, with you in it), not a singular greedy millionaire or scabby, cheap-shot fast food brand.
2) Strategically this is fine – because we’re (Australians) in the same boat as foreigners. We can’t travel either and want to survive too. Plus, we can’t sell anything to anyone, even if we wanted to. So, this free film will be authentically seen for what it is with no ulterior motive – a gift.
Thank you, Tourism Australia. I appreciated it. Especially the part where you didn’t cut your ad spend.
Hard one to write a script to. and I get it for what it has to do. And that’s nothing.
Either you are not a strategist, or you are not a very good one. One of the most common things everyone I know, both here and my family back in the UK, are day dreaming about what they are going to do once the world gets back to normal. Where they are going to go, what they are going to do. And at a time when media is cheaper than it has been in a long time due to the lack of people advertising, its a strategically sound idea to keep AU top of mind as a destination, especially as the last time anyone thought about Australia it was because it seemed like the entire country was on fire. That’s not a good last impression to leave people with.
And no, my friends and family are not rich or having it any easier than the rest of us. And no, I don’t work at Saatchi’s or have any connection to this campaign.
I’m just a strategist who hates seeing stupid trolls with no ida what they are talking about spewing stupidity because they clearly have no work of their own to focus on.
Thanks for calling me a troll and stupid. Your argument shows you’re very junior. That’s ok. You talk about your personal experience as if it matters. It doesn’t. You’re being emotional instead of logical. Mummy wants a holiday. And your arguments are poorly thought through. Very.
You probably won’t enjoy reading this.
What’s not to like about this? There’s a lot to be said for a bit of hope right now.
A reminder of what’s waiting for us once this is over could be exactly what people need.
Thanks for making something. Rather than nothing.
We need more clients who want new work – just like this.
Really great job M&C.
Sit down trolls.
Just asking for a mate?
Mate, I guarantee that I am more senior than you.
It’s nice to see 12 year olds are posting here.
Loving reading this pathetic, anonymous seniority-off.
For what it’s worth I also believe this is a strategically sound idea. There’s no doubt people are dreaming of their next holiday right now and feeling emotionally drained by the constant state of uncertainty and bad news.
Any brand that can offer escapism at this time in a way that doesn’t feel wholly self-serving should be applauded. Good stuff M&C.
Since my initial post, the changes in leadership at M&C indicate they will be looking for a new CSO. Look no further. I’ve already shown the strategic direction for TA.