Cannes Contenders: Colenso BBDO, New Zealand

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How will New Zealand perform at Cannes this year? In the lead up to the Festival, Campaign Brief will be showcasing the work we hope will impress the judges…


Kupu: Take a photo, learn a language
Colenso BBDO, New Zealand

Indigenous languages are dying around the world.
Languages are literally being lost.
The Māori language could be one of them.
But the technology that’s causing the problem could also help.

Kupu is a collaboration with Spark, The Te Aka Māori Dictionary, Google, Auckland University of Technology and thirteen Iwi tribe leaders.

A simple app that allows you to take a photo of anything with your smartphone and see and hear its name in Māori.

Like most simple ideas it was extremely complicated to execute and couldn’t have been done without collaboration.

What’s most exciting is the app’s ongoing development into a full language learning tool, to be used for any indigenous language around the world.

Spark: Generation Voice
Colenso BBDO, New Zealand
Kids ask the darndest questions and we don’t always have the answers. But voice assistants do.
This piece of film shines a light on Spark’s devastatingly smart new voice technology and the future generations it will empower.

DB Export Extra Low Carb: I’m Drinking It For You
Colenso BBDO, New Zealand
Once again DB Export turns drinking beer into an act of altruism.
This time in a song.
Launched on Spotify, it hit No.2 on the Apple Music Charts.
The song and accompanying music video show how a couple can declare their love for each other with one hand while holding a DB Export in the other.
In 2 weeks, it hit its 8-month sales targets and continues to defy the category by being the only New Zealand mainstream beer in growth.