Dame Edna sends a message to all Australian women in newly launched film for MLA via BMF
Busy gigastar housewife Dame Edna has taken time out off her hectic schedule to bring attention to a very concerning issue on behalf of Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) via BMF Australia.
MLA research shows that whilst 1 in 3 Australian woman are low in iron, many of them seek alternative sources of iron such as leafy green veggies over Australian beef.
In an impassioned address to the nation, Edna eliminates any doubt that Beef is the best natural iron fix for the busy Australian woman.
Says Cam Blackley, ECD, BMF: “Serious subjects sometimes benefit from a little tongue-in-cheek humour, especially when delivered by Aussie icons like Edna. We couldn’t think of a better spokeswoman to get women back to their best with beef.”
Says Andrew Howie, group arketing manager, MLA: “The speed of modern life is relentless. Too often when feeling rundown and tired, we blame our time-poor lifestyle. Research shows that the actual reason for 1 in 3 women feeling a bit flat is they are not getting enough iron from their diet. In partnership with the iconic Dame Edna, we set out to prove there is no better natural source of iron for the modern busy woman than Beef.”
The Edna jewel in the crown is part of a wider “mid-week meal” platform which sets out to prove that there are a range of healthy beef meals that can be prepared in just a few simple steps, in under 15 minutes. 15 real people minutes. Not celebrity chef minutes.
Chief Marketing & Communications Officer: Lisa Sharp
Group Marketing Manager: Andrew Howie
Brand Manager – Beef: Jacob Baldock
Assistant Brand Manager – Beef: Jasmin Koch
Executive Creative Director: Cam Blackley
Associate Creative Director: Tim Bishop
Head of Planning: Ali Tilling
Group Strategy Director: David Warren
Head of Client and Business Innovation: Kura Tyerman
Account Director: Will Woods
Account Manager: Melanie Pisani
Senior TV Producer: Fiona Gillies
Production Company: Revolver/ Will O’Rourke
Director: The Glue Society’s Jonathan Kneebone
Producer: Caroline Kruck
Executive Producer: Michael Ritchie/Pip Smart
Post Production: The Glue Society Studios
Editor: The Glue Society’s Luke Crethar
Post Producer: Scott Stirling
Sound Production: Rumble Studios
DoP: Russell Boyd
Media: UM
PR: One Green Bean
Now I’m not the target audience, but I do know some women (who aren’t men dressed as women) and if there’s one thing they love, it’s long shots of an old man in drag talking to camera. Not that the age of the man matters, old or young it’s still a winner. Also golf carts. My women friends love golf carts and diets with insufficient iron.
My only question is where is Dame Edna going? She says she’s on the way to shoot an ad and then proceeds to do the ad from the golf cart. What is she going to do when she gets to the sound stage? If anyone can help me out, simply send your credit card details to my fax machine on 1500-SCAMMIN. Thank you in advance.
Weet-bix have about 3 times the iron of beef, cost vastly less and are much easier to make.
But that’s none of my business.
It’s absorbable iron that counts, beef is full of the stuff.
But that’s none of my business
1. What’s with the sound design? It’s all over the place.
2. Why is she dressed as a chicken?
3. You do realise she’s not really a woman, right?
Beef? More like an ad for Cheese. What a dismal performance.
Would this be the 46th or 47th ad that Dame Edna has appeared in?
Stop it you two.
Come back when one of you is a dietician.
Why is that woman running after her with a plate? Why wasn’t that micro detail resolved with a gag of some sort? Why use Dame Edna? Isn’t he/she a bit old hat? Isn’t this entire film confusing?
So many questions, so few answers.
Despite having no insight and winning the award for one of the most amazingly confused spots, it’s deeply unfunny.
If you’re so unfunny you have to resort to crude locker room jokes about being on top of things, not getting enough and having Donald grab your pussy I suggest you go back to Year 4 and repeat comedy class.
At least do up to 9th grade if you can, we’ll all be the better for it.
Wow sooooooooooooo bad. You guys get paid how much to use your ‘imaginations’ (loosely used term in this instance) to serve up this school yard slop? Patronising, dumbed down crap. Seriously … this really stinks.
Oh, it’s an ad for beef…
‘Research shows that the actual reason for 1 in 3 women feeling a bit flat is they are not getting enough iron from their diet.’ Andrew Howie
Is ‘feeling a bit flat’ a scientifically proven medical term?