Cancer Council NSW launches new ‘1 in 3 Cancers’ campaign via Designer Rice
Evidence now shows that 1 in 3 cases of cancer each year can be prevented with healthier lifestyle choices. A new campaign launched by Cancer Council NSW via Designer Rice called ‘1 in 3 Cancers” is tackling the low awareness across the state of all the lifestyle factors that evidence shows increase cancer risk. Poor diet, being overweight, not doing enough physical activity and drinking too much alcohol collectively contribute to nearly as many cancer cases as smoking.
While there is strong awareness that smoking and UV exposure contribute to a person’s risk of developing cancer, there is still a significant lack of awareness about what else can cause cancer.
The new mass media campaign will address for the first time all the ways in which people can reduce their cancer risk through healthy lifestyle choices: not smoking; protecting themselves from the sun; achieving a healthy weight; cutting down on alcohol; cutting down on red and processed meats, eating more fruit and vegetables and being physically active.
Kathy Chapman, director of cancer programs at Cancer Council NSW said that with a lot of myths about what causes cancer, and a lack of awareness around a number of the lifestyle factors we know increase cancer risk, this campaign will help people make longer-term, positive changes to help reduce their risk of the disease.
Says Chapman: “This is the first mass media campaign in which we have addressed comprehensive cancer prevention messaging around the other lifestyle factors we know increase cancer risk. Preventing cancer is one of the most powerful ways that we can reduce the future impact of the disease. We see this campaign as the next step toward educating and empowering the community on all the things that they can do now to reduce their risk of getting cancer in the future.”
Says Brent Rice, director of Designer Rice: “Cancer may not be as random as some people think. 37,000 cases of cancer a year can be prevented by better lifestyle choices, so the challenge for us is to help raise awareness of these factors in a positive and sensitive way. The campaign is designed to empower individuals to stack the odds of preventing the disease in their favour. We hold the cards to our own cancer risk, so choosing what to pick up or put down can significantly increase or decrease our own level of risk.”
The six-week campaign will run across NSW TV, digital and social media channels.
Client – Cancer Council NSW
Director of Cancer Programs – Kathy Chapman
Head of Brand, Marketing and Communications – Sarah Jauncey
Brand Marketing Manager – Andrea Cheung
Lead Prevention Manager – Scott Walsberger
Agency – Designer Rice
Managing Director – Brent Rice
Strategist – Vivian Rowden
Creative Director – Denis Mamo
Copywriter – Rachael Harrington
Art Director – Alastair Johnston
Account Manager – Camille Hogan
Media Agency – Initiative
Producer – Ian Ford
Director – Andreas Smetana
Production Company – Flint
Editor – Brad Hurt
Post production – White Chocolate
Sound – Nylon