Lilydale leads the way for traceable food origins in brand new campaign via M&C Saatchi Sydney
Lilydale Free Range Chicken is giving Australians the opportunity to trace each pack of chicken back to farm it came from. This move is being supported by a communications campaign created with M&C Saatchi and Hidden Characters, conveying the farm trace capability.
New research reveals Australians want to know more about the origin of the food they’re consuming. Ninety-three per cent of Australians believe all food should communicate where their food was sourced and 71 per cent are interested in finding out more about the farms their meat was produced and cultivated.
The Food Traceability report, commissioned by Lilydale free range chicken, shows that animal welfare and food safety are the key drivers for consumers wanting to understand exactly where their food comes from.
Says Shane Gibson, creative director, M&C Saatchi: “Lilydale has led the category since inception pushing and often exceeding industry standards.
“Given their history, it makes absolute sense that Lilydale lead with a response about provenance in a time when consumers are hungry for more information.
“Traceability is a confident display of the brand’s commitment to its product, which is sure to sit well with an increasingly involved customer.”
Says Anna Wesser, marketing manager, Lilydale: “We’re proud of our home-grown produce so we wanted to give our customers the opportunity to trace their chicken right back to the very farm it was grown on to learn more about the farmer and origin.”
All Lilydale packaging now features a unique farm code providing consumers the chance to trace their chicken back to the farm it came from. The farmers featured on the packs are real Lilydale farmers dedicated to the welfare of the chicken.
The packaging also features a unique code that consumers can use to browse Lilydale farms to get a clear understanding of the quality of the food they’re consuming.
The campaign is supported by two 15″ TV spots featuring Lilydale farmers, a 15″ radio spot, out-of-home Shopalites, pre-rolls, on pack stickers and a unique website.
Head of Marketing: Yash Gandhi
Senior Brand Manager: Anna Wesser
Brand Manager: Vicky Palavecino
M&C Saatchi Sydney
Regional Creative Director: Tom McFarlane
Chief Creative Office: Andy DiLallo
Creative Director: Shane Gibson
Senior Copywriter: Ben Stainlay
Senior Art Director: Brian Jefferson
Head of Moving Image: Rod James
Strategic Planner: Kate Smither
Group Account Director: Charles Skelton
Account Manager: Jennifer Edwards
Hidden Characters
Managing Director: Annalise Brown
Group Account Director: Kirilly Mallard
Account Director: Sophie Callaghan
Account Manager: Karri Graf
ok, so i find out where the chook comes from…then what?
Cannes Lion winning campaign for McDonalds in 2013 from DDB.
So lacking an idea, hard to believe any of you bothered. Lessons: 1. Don’t use real farmers in speaking roles. 2. Do an ad with an idea, despite what the dickhead client says.
Doesn’t M&C boast the top 5% of creative thinkers in the universe?
This work is so so so good.
Tough crowd.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong at all with these ads, and I’m sure they’ll work.
They’re just not super creative. But most ads in this country aren’t super creative, so…stop the sniping.
PS – no I don’t work at M&C or for the client or anything like that