Jay Hynes’ new photography exhibition launches tomorrow night Thurs, Feb 7 in South Melbourne
Tomorrow night (Thursday Feb 7), photographer and former art director Jay Hynes will launch his new photography exhibition I saw a… (series 2) at SUNSTUDIOS’ new South Melbourne digs.
The exhibition starts from 6.00pm to 9.30pm at SUNSTUDIOS, 95 Buckhurst Street, South Melbourne. The exhibition is on until 6th March – Monday to Friday 8.30 – 5.30pm, Saturdays 9.00am – 5.30pm (Entry via the Canon Experience store).
I saw a… (series 2) promises to showcase Hynes’s skillful observances of life and light.
The second series follows on from Hynes’s 2016 exhibition of the same name, which featured moments captured during a trip through Italy and Croatia. This time Hynes documents his most recent travels through Germany, Portugal and Spain.
Says Hynes: “I was in Europe last September for an ad shoot and decided to tack on a two-week holiday at the end after we wrapped. I figured it was the perfect opportunity to shoot another instalment of my I saw a… series.”
The series features a mix of high contrast dramatic shots and quirky moments of humanity. Each image is accompanied by a simple caption starting with the words ‘I saw a…’
Says Hynes: “When I worked as a creative, I was always thinking in terms of campaigns – how campaignable an idea is. So that’s what this series was about for me.
“Plus, I reckon it gives me a legitimate excuse to go on holidays every couple of years.”
Besides current commercial campaigns for realestate.com.au and Old Melbourne Gaol, Hynes was recently named a finalist in the prestigious National Photographic Portrait Prize 2019.
He’s also a self-confessed fan of free beer, stinky cheese and cold meats – all of which will be in abundance at the exhibition opening. Creatives, photography nuts and travel enthusiasts are all welcome to attend.
Check out Hynes’ work at jayhynes.com or on Instagram @jayhynesphoto.