Mobius Awards advertising competition now open; deadline for entries Monday, October 1
The 2018 Mobius Awards competition is open with a deadline of Monday, October 1, 2018.
The Los Angeles-based international advertising event invites entries in all advertising mediums and formats. These include Brochure/Book, Direct, Digital, Immersive Marketing, Mixed Media Campaign, New Media, Online, Outdoor, Package Design and Redesign, Point-of-Purchase, Print, Radio, Television and Student. Special student entry pricing is available.
Entries must have been developed, introduced and/or reintroduced between Oct. 1, 2017, and Oct. 1, 2018.
Entrants may earn a First Place Mobius statuette or a Second Place Certificate for Outstanding Creativity. Also, Best of Show (Grand Prix) nominees are selected from First Place Mobius Awards winners, based on judges’ recommendations. Judges are not required to select winners in each medium or category, however, which means some mediums might not have a “Best” winner every year. The intent, says Mobius Awards chairman Lee Gluckman, is to reward creativity and effectiveness and “not just give awards.”
Mobius Awards, founded in 1971, is an independent competition that uses worldwide judges who access entries online. No judge knows how another has voted on an entry. The exception to online judging is Packaging, which is viewed by two sets of judges, an in-person group in Los Angeles and an online group.
The deadline for 2018 is Oct. 1. Questions should be directed to Kristen Szabo, manager, entrant relations and operations, at
Please visit to get more information on the competition. Winners are announced in January 2019.