Global producer Donna Hampton to present talk on Creating Content for Multiple Applications on Monday, May 5 at Miami Ad School in Surry Hills

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Donna Hampton.jpgYoung Creatives are invited to a talk by Donna Hampton (Svanberg), owner & executive producer of Capitol Productions, a locally-based production company that works internationally.


Hampton will share her ideas and global experience in creating design and installations, augmented reality signage, websites, social media and more.


The talk will be held on Monday 5 May from 5pm to 5.45pm at Miami Ad School, level 5, 2-12 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills.


Hampton’s talk is part of a series of informal round table talks by Miami Ad School ‘Industry Heroes’ on pop culture engineering.


The talks are free but places are limited. To book, email by 12pm, Friday 2 May.