Thursday 17th August,
6 to 9pm, ACMI, Federation Square.
The AFA, in association with AWARD, will introduce a panel of top
Melbourne creatives from yesterday, today
and tomorrow to discuss and debate whether
Melbourne has done more for Australian advertising
than any other city. It’s a night of Up There Cazaly
vs C’mon Aussie C’mon… CUB vs Tooheys… and
Run Rabbit Run vs the usual touristy schlock served
up by non-Victorian states. You’ll see echidnas
doing inappropriate things to young women, cars
landing on aircraft carriers and football, meatpies,
kangaroos and Holden cars. Plus there’ll be drinks,
eats and you’ll also get the chance to visit the
TV50 exhibition. Not happy, Jan? Not bloody likely.
Tickets for AFA/AWARD/Networx members – $66 (incl. GST)
Tickets for non members – $77 (incl. GST)
Group Bookings of ten at the discount rate of $600 (incl. GST)
To book, go to www.afa.org.au
This is gay and a waste of time. I would rather dry hump glass then go to that.
Dry grass is kind of hard to pass up, even if it is gay humping.
Is that you Cuz…???
Will they take into account the fact that most of the creatives that did all the great work in Sydney were actually from Melbourne? C’mon bitches… give it to me!!!
Cuz, stop fucking blogging and get back to your MySpace page.
Can we please nominate our least favourite ads? I really, really hate that V ad with the bugs in the can. Not only are the jokes lame, they are also in a grating Noo Zeland accent. And I hate it when the bug says ‘It’s the shizz!’Is it so hard to dub and Australian accent onto these ugly bugs?Lame, bro.
Oh get real. ’50 years of Melbourne’s Best TV Advertising’ is like ’50 years of Croatia’s Best House Painters’. Who cares?