The Portfolio Project extends program offers and releases new website

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The Portfolio Project extends program offers and releases new website

The Portfolio Project, an advertising training program for disadvantaged youth and young job seekers with a disability, has now extended what the program offers and has released a new website for the new courses.


The Portfolio Project now offers a free 6 weeks 4 hours per week course in business studies for those who want to get into the business side of advertising including account management and a free web design course of the same course duration.

This is to cater to more young people accessing youth or disability services so there is something for everyone.

The Portfolio Project is kicking off a web design workshop at a youth service in Melbourne as part of the new programs they offer.

Also exciting news, Ben Growns, creative director of awarded Melbourne creative agency, The Fuel Agency, has come onboard to give an opportunity to a course graduate from the advertising program to put their creative muscles to use as an intern.

The Portfolio Project is very excited about this great opportunity and can’t wait for the first group of participants in Melbourne to take this chance to shine in agency life.

The Portfolio Project were awarded the NSW Youth Work Award in its first year and are eager to offer more and reach a wider audience. More Agency partners would be appreciated.”

New Courses Website: