21 creatives from the golden age of advertising and design come together for ’21AD’ exhibition

Freed from the straitjackets of client brief and corporate whim, 21 top creatives from the golden age of advertising and design come together for the first time in a joyfully unrestrained group exhibition.
The exhibition ‘21AD‘, which is due to launch on October 26 – 6 November at fortyfive downstairs in Melbourne, features work from Dena Ashbolt, Bruce Baldwin, David Blackley, John Boucher, Maree Coote, Mimmo Cozzolino, Jane Flowers, Dianne Gameson, Prue Kirkcaldie, Guy Lamothe, Jo Lane, Michel Lawrence, Ron Mather, Paul Meehan, Ted Powell, Mike Reed, Fysh Rutherford, Paul Torcello, Gordon Trembath, John Wheeler and Keran Woods.
Says show curator, Mike Reed: “Looking at this work, I feel like a doting parent. I’ve known all of these artists since– as fledgling art directors, writers, producers, designers, and photographers– they brought to me, as film editor, their earliest creative efforts, fully confident that what they had put before me were 30 second works of unmitgated genius. And, in some cases, they almost were.
“In the years since, I have watched them grow and spread their wings, unfettered by commercial obligations and the often destructive whims of the people who held the purse-strings.
“As a lifelong art observer and collector, I am proud to have spread my wings to bring together, for the first time, 21 top creatives from what has been called the Golden Age of advertising and design. Be surprised.”

1 Comment
Great idea from the great Mike Reed a genuine legend in commercial editing.