2011 Australian Young Lions finalists progress to the second stage of competition


Cannes_logo_3_1-1.jpgThe first round of judging of the News Limited 2011 Young Lions Competition is now complete with 69 talented individuals set to battle it out in a 24-hour challenge for their chance to compete in Cannes.

A judging panel of 42 senior agency professionals Australia wide chose the finalists from a record number of 266 entries. The competition now moves into phase two, in which finalists have to respond to a 24-hour challenge for their chance to win a spot on the Australian Young Lions team in media, print or cyber and represent Australia in the worldwide Young Lions Competition in Cannes.

News Limited director of sales Tony Kendall said: “This has been awatershed year for the Young Lions competition. Not only has the numberof entries increased, but the quality has increased substantially withthe judges commenting on the quality of strategic and creativethinking.”

In the Media category, a total of 16 individuals from five states havebeen selected as state finalists to answer the 24-hour brief on 18-19May. Leading the charge is MediaCom with four finalists, two in Sydneyand two in Melbourne. Mindshare and UM each have two representativesselected to compete in the second round.

One of the judges, Katie Rigg-Smith, chief strategy officer ofMindshare Australia, said: “After seeing the talent yesterday, it’snice to know that our industry is clearly in safe hands! It alwaysfloors me that the entrants can get up in front of a panel of seniorindustry judges and present strategies with such confidence and have noqualms answering any questions thrown their way.”

In the Print category, judges selected a shortlist of 19 creative teamsto progress to the second round and receive the 24-hour brief. M&CSaatchi Sydney was the agency with the highest number of individualfinalists, with six young creatives making the cut.


The judges in the Cyber category selected a shortlist of 8 teams with Profero at the top of this table with two teams.

The full list of the successful first round entrants is listed below and can be viewed on the OzCannes website.

The three winning teams representing Australia at the 2011 worldwideYoung Lions Competition in Cannes 19-25 will be announced at an eventto be held on 19 May in Melbourne.

Winning teams will receive return flights to Nice, accommodation and aYoung Lions registration to the Cannes Festival with access to all theseminars, awards ceremonies, showcases and the Young Lions party. TheYoung Lions registration also allows them to participate in the YoungLions Zone, which includes ten master classes and interactive kiosksshowcasing winning work from the worldwide Young Lions competitions.

2011 Young Lions Finalists – Media, Print & Cyber

NSW Media Finalists

Anna Swan, Ikon

Dean Challis, MediaCom

Paul Den, MediaCom

Catherine Rushton, Mindshare

Lachlan Williams, Razor

Kerry Boys, UM

WA Media Finalists

Hayley Parker, Meerkats

Lachlan Wells, The Brand Agency

Jessica Woodford, 303 Group

VIC Media Finalists

Tim Farmer, UM

Fiona Meldrum, MediaCom

Xikan Han, MediaCom

Tonya Golberg, Mindshare

QLD Media Finalists

Annabelle Rogers, OMD

Sophie Langton, ZenithOptimedia

SA Media Finalist

Marius Zanin, Black Sheep Advertising

Print Shortlisted Teams

Psembi Kinstan and Millie Burke, CHE

Mark Carbone and Eleanor Dunn, BMF

Julia Spencer and Delia Mennell, JWT Sydney

Daniel Staudinger and Luke Chard, Ogilvy Sydney

Simon Fowler and Nicole Hetherington, Ogilvy Sydney

James Wills and Gene Eaton, The Brand Agency

Sam Abell and Erica Brien, Fnucky

Amelia Birrell, Whybin TBWA and Hannah Smit, JWT Melbourne

Shaun Conroy and Justine Morgan, The Hoopla Family

Hannah Smit and Deborah Frenkel, JWT Melbourne

Joshua Braithwaite and Sebastian Vizor, Clemenger BBDO Sydney

Peter Renigeris M&C Saatchi and Mietta McFarlane, Ogilvy & Mather

Jim Curtis and Ryan Fitzgerald, DDB Sydney

Matt Swinburne and Mike Felix, Leo Burnett

Scott Turner, URSA Clemenger and Jessica Ruff, Freelance

Max McKeon and Jeremy Hogg, Publicis Mojo Sydney

Ben Yabsley and Robert Concepcion, M&C Saatchi / Mark

Danielle White, M&C Saatchi Sydney and Elizabeth Hamer, Freelance

Barney Packham and Dan Bolton, M&C Saatchi Sydney

Cyber Shortlisted Teams

Gene Brutty and Tim Seddon, The Brand Agency

Salvatore Cavallaro, JWT Sydney and Andrew Stewart, Freelance

Jeremy Elliot and Blair Burke, Clemenger BBDO Melbourne

Matt Geerson and Jarrad Collings, Profero

Giles Watson and Natalie Cheng, Visual Jazz

Danielle White, M&C Saatchi and Elizabeth Hamer, Freelance

Liam Riddler and Emma Clowes, 303 Group

Julia Guo and Katinka Looise, Profero

The 58th International Festival of Creativity will be held 19-25 June 2011 in Cannes, France.